Monday, May 19, 2014

Step by Step

I haven't blogged since the church I pastored in Portland, Lifegate, closed.  I wrote the last for post for our church blog, closed that chapter of my life & have resisted the urge to start a new blog for over 2 years.  I've thought about it many times, as evidenced by the 5 blogger pages I've registered.  Starts and stops, thoughts and dreams, but no follow through, nothing stuck.  Bottom line, I think I've been searching for a reason, why should I, what good would it do, what's the point?

The question I had been asking is what do I have to offer-why would someone want to read this? Then today I saw this video of Seth Godin talking about the importance of writing.

Seth's thoughts reminded me of why I started writing/journaling years ago.  Writing my thoughts helps me to grow & learn-so this time rather than worrying about who I'm writing for, I'm just going to start writing & see where this goes.

So feel free to join me on this journey, you may learn something along the way or not, but I know that this is something that I need to do.

I Give Up

"It's about our pride. He asks if we'll give up that thing we're so proud of, that thing we believe causes us to matter in ...